Tag: ROM hacks
The Forest Temple is the latest addition to GoldenEye 007 deathmatch
by Matt Keller on Jul.13, 2013, under News
A couple months back we ran a story on Peach’s Castle being ported across to GoldenEye 007 as a new deathmatch map. Well, the group behind that map has been hard at work bringing more maps across to GoldenEye 007, the latest of which is the Forest Temple from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Sogun Studios have posted a blog entry detailing the process of bringing the map across.
The ROM patch, available here, also contains the previously released Kakariko Village and Peach’s Castle maps, in addition to the new Forest Temple map.
Pokémon Red ROM hack brings some colour to Kanto
by Charly on Jun.27, 2013, under News
ROM hacker, Drenn, has created a fan-made patch which adds both full colour and more detailed sprites to the well-loved monster catching RPG classic Pokémon Red.
FroggestSpirit colourised much of Kanto but had left the project incomplete, so Drenn completed the ROM with help from Danny-E 33’s graphics patch. This means that Pokémon Red, originally for the Game Boy, has both been colourised and includes sprites used in later Pokémon games.
The patch can be played via emulator or on the Game Boy Color using a compatible flashcard, and you can check it out here.

Source: RetroCollect
Industrious hackers bring Peach’s Castle to GoldenEye 007
by Matt Keller on Jun.09, 2013, under News
Ever fancy playing a GoldenEye 007 deathmatch in Peach’s Castle from Super Mario 64? Now you can, thanks to the efforts of Sogun Studio and GoldenEye Vault.
The crew behind the Peach’s Castle map were previously responsible for porting The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time‘s Kakariko Village to GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark, which is included in this pack.
You can find the patch here. Follow the installation steps at the site and you’ll be blasting around the Mushroom Kingdom in no time.
English patch now available for Konami Wai Wai World for Famicom
by Matt Keller on Jun.01, 2013, under News
Konami’s all star video game parody Konami Wai Wai World for the Famicom is a crazy little piece of Japanese exclusive software, which series a hero called Konami Man journeying through a number of worlds from Konami games such as Castlevania, and teaming up with Konami heroes like Goemon, the Vic Viper and the ever-popular Moai head.
Thanks to the efforts of Zynk Oxhyde, Konami Wai Wai World can finally be enjoyed in English. Of course, to be able to enjoy the game, you’ll need the translation patch, a copy of the game ROM and either an emulator or a flash cartridge like the N8 or Power Pak.
You can get the translation patch here
Zelda Starring Zelda brings role reversal to The Legend of Zelda
by Matt Keller on Mar.17, 2013, under News
Inspired by the Pauline and Mario switcheroo in Donkey Kong by Mike Mika, animator Kenna W. and her video game programmer boyfriend decided that a similar thing could be implemented in The Legend of Zelda.
Together they produced a ROM hack they’ve dubbed Zelda Starring Zelda, with Zelda now taking over the role of the main protagonist, complete with new sprites to match.
You can read all about the development of the project and get the ROM from Kenna’s blog.
Super Mario Bros.: Peach Edition continues role reversal ROM hack trend
by Matt Keller on Mar.16, 2013, under News
Hot off the heels of Mike Mika’s Pauline hack for Donkey Kong, ROMHacking.net’s Kishi has released a similar effort for Super Mario Bros., which puts players in the shoes of Princess Peach, who has to rescue Mario from Bowser’s clutches.
While put together relatively quickly, Kishi’s hack, entitled Super Mario Bros: Peach Edition, is actually quite competent. Sprites have been redrawn too, so they’re not as ghastly as the original Peach sprite, and the animation is quite impressive for a quick project.
Dad hacks Donkey Kong ROM so his daughter can play as Pauline
by Matt Keller on Mar.10, 2013, under News
Imagine this. A father and his young daughter play a lot of old games together. The daughter’s favourite game is Donkey Kong, but she’s bummed out that she can’t play as Pauline and rescue Mario. What does a father do?
Most of us would just leave it at that, but not Mike Mika. The rather industrious father hacked the game and drew new sprites so that his father could play as Pauline and rescue Mario from the clutches of DK.
A patch to play the hack will be available soon.
English fan translation released for Japanese-exclusive Pokémon Trading Card Game sequel
by Charly on Jun.17, 2012, under News
Pokémon Trading Card Game, titled Pokémon Card GB in Japan, is a video game version of the super popular tabletop trading card game based on the Pokémon video game series. Pokémon Trading Card Game released in 1998 (2000 outside Japan) for the Game Boy Color and was received well by both Pokémon fans and industry critics alike. It is no surprise that game received a sequel, entitled Pokémon Card GB2: Great Rocket-Dan SanjÅ! (Pokémon Card GB2: Here Comes Team Great Rocket!) – sadly, it was Japanese-exclusive and never saw a western release.
Enter Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!, an English fan translation of Pokémon Card GB2. ROM hacker Artemis251 has completed the patch which enables English-speaking fans to finally play the Pokémon Trading Card Game sequel, featuring a new group of baddies called Team Great Rocket, the ability to play as a female character and cards exclusive to Japanese vending machines.
All you need is the original ROM file for Pokémon Card GB2: Great Rocket-Dan SanjÅ! and the fan translation patch which you can download here, and you’re good to go.
Source: Retro Collect
New hack combines Shaq Fu with comedy
by Matt Keller on May.24, 2012, under News
Shaq Fu is one of those games that everybody loves to hate, much like just about every other entry into media the former all star attempted at the start of his career.
A new hack called Schmuck Fu attempts to make good by altering the game’s rather appalling story into something funny.
For all the hate Shaq Fu gets, its still far more entertaining than Shaq’s silver screen masterpiece Kazaam.
Pokémon Crystal GBA remake beta available
by Charly on May.01, 2012, under News
Pokémon: Liquid Crystal, a Pokémon Crystal remake for the Gameboy Advance, is nearing completion and the current build (beta 3.1) is available for download.
The original Pokémon Crystal for the Gameboy Color offered players 251 catchable Pokémon, two regions to explore and 16 badges to earn. A ROM Hack of Pokémon Fire Red, Pokémon: Liquid Crystal is a remake and more – boasting 386 Pokémon to catch, three regions and now 20 badges to obtain. The remake presents the same story as the original, but with some additional twists. Pokémon: Liquid Crystal also features remixed and recomposed music, updated sprites and graphics that look much like the DS Pokémon iterations but without the polygons.
For those keen to play, you can visit the game’s development thread to obtain Pokémon: Liquid Crystal Beta 3.1 – you will need either an emulator or flash card for the Gameboy Advance or Nintendo DS to play it.
Expect to see the completed game by the end of the year.

Source: NeoGamr