Retro Gaming Australia


PSX Platinum Games Guide updated

by on May.10, 2011, under Guides

As those with keen eyes might have noticed, I’ve been sidetracked lately with tarting up the site to make it look the slightest bit appealing. Unfortunately when I get wrapped up in one project, the others all get ignored.

I spurred into action today to deliver a vital update to the PSX Platinum Games List. The new version contains more correct release date information, along with corrections on the status of a couple of titles. If you notice any omissions or errors, please contact me.

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PSX Platinum Games Guide

by on Mar.28, 2011, under Guides, Site

As a bit of a side project over the last week, I decided to make a list of all Platinum releases on the original PlayStation since the one on Wikipedia was rather inaccurate. This should prove helpful to those of you who want to avoid having those dreaded silver releases and keep your collections original and pretty. Inversely, if you are compelled to collect all of the Platinum titles (surely one of you is), then this list should help you on your way.

List of PSX Platinum Games.

I’m currently working on an equivalent guide for the PlayStation 2, as well as a major update to the list of games that support 60Hz. Those will be posted up here in the coming days.

If you have any amendments to make to the guide, contact me at admin[at]retrogamingaus[dot]com

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