Tag: Capcom
Mega Man Legends demake concept video
by Matt Keller on Mar.03, 2012, under News
Mega Man Legends is a bit of a sore spot with fans of the series following the recent cancellation of the 3DS sequel. In fact, you could say that fans of the Mega Man series are not particularly happy with Capcom in general, particularly after the awful port of Mega Man X to iOS.
Indie developer Tarbo-san has published this concept video of a demake (i.e. remake on more primitive hardware) of Mega Man Legends (or Rockman DASH), now reimagined as a NES game. Apparently a full game is planned, but we’ll just have to wait and see.
Video Game Ad of the Day: Marvel Super Heroes
by Matt Keller on Mar.01, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day
Capcom was on fire in the 90s.
Marvel Super Heroes is one in a long line of late 90s Capcom fighting games featuring characters from Marvel Comics. This one is based loosely around the Infinity Gauntlet event that was playing out in the comics in the 90s. The arcade version was released in 1995, but it was two years before it made the trip home. Do yourself a favour and go for the Saturn release if you want the home version.
Street Fighter X Monopoly, coming this year.
by Matt Keller on Feb.29, 2012, under News
USAopoly has announced that they will be releasing a Street Fighter themed version of the classic board game Monopoly.
The company has released a large number of video game themed board games, including the recent Risk: Metal Gear Solid Edition.
A contest will be run in the near future to decide which of the pantheon of World Warriors will be made into player pieces.
New video investigates the origins of Poison
by Matt Keller on Feb.28, 2012, under News
Debate has raged for many years about the gender of Final Fight‘s Poison. Localisation issues, retconning and the language barrier have caused nothing but confusion, leaving fans to settle the fight among themselves.
So is Poison a man, a woman, or transgender?
The above video by YouTuber MegatonStammer investigates the history of Poison’s gender, even going through Final Fight’s original concept art, with the goal of settling the matter once and for all.
Video Game Ad of the Day: Street Fighter: The Movie
by Matt Keller on Feb.20, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day
Van Dammit.
Street Fighter: The Movie is, as the name suggests, based on the film which was loosely based on the game. Unlike the arcade version, the home version was actually developed internally by Capcom, which some might say was an attempt at salvaging the project and turning it into something playable.
Video Game Ad of the Day: Resident Evil
by Matt Keller on Feb.17, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day
You almost became a Jill sandwich!
Resident Evil is the first game in one of Capcom’s biggest franchises. It seemingly came out of nowhere in 1996 and took the world by storm – one of the first games of the then new fifth generation consoles to really break out. It was originally intended to be a remake of Capcom’s 1986 Famicom horror game Sweet Home.
Video Game Ad of the Day: Mega Man 3
by Matt Keller on Feb.11, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day
The best Mega Man? I don’t agree, but many feel that way.
Mega Man 3 might not seem that different from its predecessor on first impression, but the addition of the slide move and Mega Man’s side kick Rush prove otherwise. It sold over a million units worldwide – a heck of a lot more than any recent Mega Man game.
Video Game Ad of the Day: Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
by Matt Keller on Feb.01, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day
The best sprites in the history of gaming?
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike is (obviously) the third version of Street Fighter III and the second to be released for home consoles. 3rd Strike added five new characters, new music, the Guard Parry move and a multitude of other refinements. The game continues to be held in high regard amongst fighting game fans.
Video Game Ad of the Day: Power Stone 2
by Matt Keller on Jan.27, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day
Welcome to Power Stone world!
Power Stone 2 can make a claim for being one of the best multiplayer games on the Dreamcast thanks to its madcap four player fighting action. It’s easy to learn, the stages are fully interactive and there are a ridiculous number of items to help you in your battles.
Video Game Ad of the Day: Killer7
by Matt Keller on Jan.22, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day
An oddball to say the least, but it is a Suda51 game.
Killer7 puts you in the shoes of an assassin with seven personalities of various professions, ethnicities and genders. You spend most of the game fighting bizarre invisible demons called Heaven Smiles. It’s kind of difficult to explain how it all comes together – it’s just better to go and play it.