Tag: Capcom
Video Game Ad of the Day: Breath of Fire II
by Matt Keller on Jan.15, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day
Another series Capcom pretends doesn’t exist.
Set five hundred years after the first game, Breath of Fire II puts you in the shoes of Ryu, a 16 year old boy who finds himself alone in the world after demons kidnap his father and sister, and erase the memories of the local townsfolk. Of course, he turns out to be part dragon or something and sets off to save the world with a bunch of stereotypical J-RPG friends.
Video Game Ad of the Day: Knights of the Round
by Matt Keller on Sep.07, 2011, under Video Game Ad of the Day
CPS brawling goodness.
Knights of the Round was one of Capcom’s great early 1990s arcade beat ’em ups. As Arthur, Lancelot or Perceval, you must overthrow the evil king Garibaldi and unite England. And beat up peasants named Dennis.
The Ballad of Mike Haggar
by Matt Keller on Aug.06, 2011, under News
Youtuber Hortyort has produced this amusing video telling the story of Final Fight as an epic poem.
Via GameSetWatch
Video Game Ad of the Day: Dino Crisis
by Matt Keller on Aug.03, 2011, under Video Game Ad of the Day
One series that Capcom needs to stop neglecting.
Dino Crisis was directed by Shinji Mikami and developed by much of the team that would become Capcom Production Studio 4. The game was promoted by Capcom as being “panic horror”, as opposed to the survival horror of sister series Resident Evil, since there is quite a difference between worrying about wasting ammo on a couple of zombies versus the “oh shit” feeling of being chased by a giant T-Rex.
Mega Man arrange soundtrack on the way
by Matt Keller on Aug.02, 2011, under News
With the recent cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3, many fans feel like Capcom has abandoned the once iconic character. However, several members of the Capcom Sound Team recently banded together to start a band called “We Are ROCK-MEN” with the intention of creating a Mega Man arrange album.
The video posted above contains the first track that the group has released. It is from the Darkman level of Mega Man 5.
The group also revealed that the soundtrack will contain at least fifteen tracks from the Mega Man and Mega Man X series, and will be available for purchase from September 21st for the princely sum of 2,100 yen.
Video Game Ad of the Day: Yo! Noid
by Matt Keller on Aug.01, 2011, under Video Game Ad of the Day
Late, late, late!
Yo! Noid is a NES platformer developed by Capcom with a reputation for being really goddamn hard. The game’s main character, the Noid, was the mascot of Domino’s Pizza in the 1980s. It’s actually a localisation of Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru with the plot and characters stripped out.
Breath of Fire IV headed to US PSN
by Matt Keller on Aug.01, 2011, under News
Capcom USA’s Corporate Officer/Senior VP Christian Svensson revealed on the Capcom Unity forums that the company will be releasing the semi-popular J-RPG Breath of Fire IV on the US PlayStation Network on August 16th.
Nothing has been said about a release on the PAL PSN, but there’s all kinds of rights issues and things that complicate a PAL release (mainly the distribution deal they had with Virgin, from memory – I could just be speculating though). Now they just need to acknowledge that Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter exists, and that people liked it and want another one, right?
Source: Capcom Unity
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online due August 23
by Matt Keller on Jul.21, 2011, under News
Capcom announced today through their Unity blog that they will be releasing Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network on August 23.
The new version of the game features polished graphics, a new tournament feature, an art gallery, online play and achievements/trophies.
Source: Capcom Unity