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Tag: hideo kojima

Kojima discusses naming Policenauts and Snatcher

by on Aug.14, 2012, under News

Hideo Kojima is known for being active on Twitter, and today he let loose some knowledge regarding his two cult classic titles, Snatcher and Policenauts.

Snatcher was originally known as Junker, after the protagonist’s organisation in the game, but Konami found that the name was too similar to a mahjong title, and changed it. Kojima had to think of a new name – he wanted to avoid using Snatcher after naming Metal Gear after the game’s enemy, and briefly considered the name New Order before settling for the game’s final title.

Policenauts was originally entitled Beyond, but Konami was unable to obtain a trademark for the name. Apparently the game was also intended to be for a “Cinematic Virtual Reality” genre (similar to Metal Gear Solid’s Stealth Espionage Action) – Konami found nothing trademarked along these lines when the project started in 1990, but the term had been trademarked by the time the game was to be released and the naming was dropped.

Source: Andriasang

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Metal Gear 1 & 2 included in Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

by on Aug.12, 2011, under News

Hideo Kojima has confirmed via Twitter that the version of Metal Gear Solid 3 featured in the upcoming HD Collection is based on Subsistence, not the original Snake Eater. He also confirmed that the redone versions of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake that were featured in the PlayStation 2 release of Subsistence will be included – in their low res glory, of course.

Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 were updated for cellphones early last decade. While they retain their distinct MSX2 attributes, the game’s character potrait art was changed to reflect the series’ post Metal Gear Solid style.

This means that if you buy the Japanese version of the collection, you get Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2, Metal Gear Solid (the Game Archive version via download code), Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3, with Peace Walker HD sold separately. Westerners lose out on the downloadable version of Metal Gear Solid, but gain Peace Walker HD.

There is no word yet on whether the version of Metal Gear Solid 2 included in the collection is based on the original Sons of Liberty or the updated Substance version.

Via Andriasang

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Snatcher: Radio drama cast revealed, Kojima ready to give blessing for remake

by on Jul.19, 2011, under News

More details have come to light on the Snatcher radio drama, Sdatcher. Some of the cast has been revealed, and it includes many of the voice actors used for the Japanese dub of the Metal Gear series, including Akio Ootsuka (Solid Snake) Kikuko Inoue (The Boss) Houchuu Ootsuka (Galvez) Yumi Kikuchi (Mei Ling) and Tomokazu Sugita (Kaz Miller). Hideo Kojima and Suda 51 will have cameo appearances.

Meanwhile, Kojima revealed that although he personally does not have any plans to remake Snatcher or develop a sequel, he is more than happy for someone else to do it. When asked about his opinions on L.A. Noire and doing a Snatcher title in a similar vein, he stated “I would love to do something like Snatcher, but I do not have the time or the means to do so. But if anyone else would like to develop it, I would love it.”

Source: Andriasang and Joystiq

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Snatcher-inspired radio drama coming

by on Jul.11, 2011, under News

In the latest episode of the Hideradio podcast, Hideo Kojima announced that he and Suda 51 (Goichi Suda) are working on a radio drama adaptation of Kojima’s cult classic Snatcher.

That’s all well and good, except that they already announced the project – in 2007. (continue reading…)

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