Retro Gaming Australia

New version of fan-led Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords restoration project now available

by on Jul.28, 2012, under News

Cast your mind back to 2004, and you might remember that LucasArts rushed Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords out for the US holiday season, resulting in one hell of a buggy mess with a nearly incoherent story.

Many people were pissed about the state the game was released in, but when it was publicised just how much content was cut from the game, and how much of said content was merely blocked off rather than completely removed, a group of dedicated fans started The Sith Lords restoration project – an effort to restore much of that content and fix the myriad of bugs plaguing the title.

You can find the latest version of the mod here, along with some release notes.

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