Retro Gaming Australia

Redux: Dark Matters; new shooter for Sega Dreamcast

by on May.15, 2012, under News

Redux: Dark Matters is a new space scrolling shooter coming to Sega Dreamcast, iOS, Steam, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade.

The Sega Dreamcast and iOS versions are confirmed, but NG:DEV.TEAM are utilizing Kickstarter to crowd fund development of Redux: Dark Matters for Steam, PSN and XBLA by offering an exclusive Limited Edition version of the game for Sega Dreamcast as a pledge reward.

Redux: Dark Matters, which features gorgeous HD visuals (only on compatible devices), 6 stages, a tonne of weapons, and arcade-style gameplay; is set for release on iOS devices in July and in December for the Sega Dreamcast version. The all but confirmed Steam, PSN and XBLA releases are also expected in 2012.

The $25,000 goal has been met, but head on over to the Kickstarter page to snag a copy of the Redux: Dark Matters Limited Edition for Sega Dreamcast with a pledge $65 or more.

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