Tag: ToeJam & Earl
ToeJam & Earl coming soon to Sega Vintage Collection?
by Matt Keller on Jul.21, 2012, under News
Siliconera is reporting that a source close to Sega informed them that ToeJam & Earl and its sidescroller sequel Panic on Funkatron will be the next part of the next wave of Sega’s Vintage Collection releases. This seems to gel pretty well with the renewed focus on digital and heritage content Sega has been touting lately.
There are a few licensing hurdles to get over. While fans commonly associate the characters with Sega, they are not actually owned by the company, rather remaining the property of their original creators Greg Johnson and Mark Voorsanger (hence their omission from Sega Superstars/All Stars games to date).
If the collection is happening, you’ll hear about it soon.