Tag: Retro City Rampage
Retro City Rampage will support cross platform save compatibility for PS3, Vita
by Matt Keller on May.24, 2012, under News
The long awaited Retro City Rampage is set to support cross platform save compatibility for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita, according to designer Brian Provinciano.
The Vita version of the game will also support multiple display modes – the bog standard 16:9, a Vita specific 16:9 mode which scales all visual assets for enhanced visibility, and a 4:3 TV screen or arcade screen view.
Retro City Rampage is due for release later this year.
Retro City Rampage OST sees limited edition vinyl release
by Matt Keller on Feb.23, 2012, under News
Retro City Rampage is due out later this year on a myriad of platforms, but for now you can enjoy the game’s soundtrack in one of two forms – digitally, through Bandcamp, or vinyl (for a limited time).
The soundtrack for the game is being created by Jake “virt” Kaufman, Leonard “Freaky DNA” Paul, and Matt “Norrin Radd” Cramer and consists mostly of NES inspired chiptunes.
The digital version is $CA7.99, while the vinyl copies will cost $CA43. The vinyl is limited to 500 copies – 300 black, 100 Green Sapphire and 100 Horizon Blue.