Retro Gaming Australia

Tag: power glove

Upcoming documentary “The Power of Glove” looks at the history and impact of the infamous NES peripheral

by on Jul.13, 2013, under News

The Power Glove promised a revolutionary method of control, where your actions could be replicated in the game. Of course, the promotional campaign completely overstated the capabilities of the device and many young NES owners were sorely disappointed with the end product. In spite of its failure to work as promised, the Power Glove has become iconic.

Filmmakers Adam Ward, Andrew Austin and Paula Kosowski have been working on a documentary called The Power of Glove. The film will have interviews with the creators of the Power Glove, along with an examination of the legacy of the peripheral and its fans, such as Isaiah “TriForce” Johnson.

The documentary does not have a release date as yet, but you can check out the official site now.

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