Tag: Panzer Dragoon
Video Game Ad of the Day: Panzer Dragoon Orta
by Matt Keller on Oct.03, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day
Panzer Dragoon Orta is one of a handful of Xbox releases which was designed with the Japanese audience in mind. It is the first home console Panzer Dragoon game not developed by Team Andromeda, which had been split up at the end of the Saturn era. This is the Japanese ad for the game.
Video Game Ad of the Day: Panzer Dragoon Saga
by Matt Keller on Jun.22, 2011, under Video Game Ad of the Day
Another one of those super expensive Saturn games.
Panzer Dragoon Saga has developed a reputation for being one of the best games that few people have played, thanks in large to the hopelessness of the market situation of the Sega Saturn when the game was released. This ad comes from North America, where as few as 10,000 copies of the game exist. The game was actually a big success in Japan, but you kind of need to know Japanese to take advantage of its availability.