Retro Gaming Australia

Tag: Nakayoshi to Issho

Famicom RPG Nakayoshi to Issho translated

by on May.01, 2012, under News

Nakayoshi to Issho (Nakayoshi ‘n Me) was a beginner RPG released late in the Famicom era that uses characters popularised by Nakayoshi Magazine such as Sailor Moon.

Previously exclusive to Japan (due to licenses and general apathy towards anime in the West at that time), Nakayoshi to Issho has recently undergone the translation treatment courtesy of Frizzy. You can get the patch here.

You control a character who has recently started work at Nakayoshi Magazine and has to traverse the various worlds from the mangas featured in the magazine. It’s a fairly simplistic game with few of the RPG trimmings – no experience points or turn battles here. Rather, everything is decided by a slot machine.

There are two versions of the patch available, featuring original and localised names for the Sailor Moon characters for those who are picky about that kind of thing.

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