Retro Gaming Australia

Tag: Bubsy

Video Game Ad of the Day: Bubsy 3D

by on Jul.26, 2014, under Video Game Ad of the Day

Bubsy 3D UK
Widely held to be one of the worst games of the fifth generation era, Bubsy 3D is a shining example of just how wrong things could go during early 3D game development. The developer, Eidetic, did eventually learn how to make good games in 3D – they went on to develop the Syphon Filter series and became a first party Sony Computer Entertainment developer known as Bend Studio.

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Video Game Ad of the Day: Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind

by on Nov.22, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day

From the bowels of the “Mascots with attitude” back catalogue comes Bubsy the Bobcat, Accolade’s big hope of the early 1990s. Bubsy’s first game Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind was a modest hit, but the underlying game just doesn’t cut it when compared to contemporaries such as Super Mario World and Sonic the Hedgehog 2

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