Retro Gaming Australia

Tag: Battletoads

Retro Gaming Theatre: Battletoads (NES)

by on Oct.20, 2012, under Retro Gaming Theatre

This week’s game for Retro Gaming Theatre is Battletoads – one of those games that a lot of people like to bring up, but few have really gone back to play. It’s also a game I do not exactly like a whole bunch – probably because I played it to completion once.

You might notice the video starts to get worse and ends abruptly. That’s because the NES we were playing it on has sat in a dusty house with a bunch of smokers for a couple of years. Not exactly your friendly storage environment. That may mean a hiatus for us recording NES footage until we clean this console or get a replacement console – the other one we tried was even worse.

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Video Game Ad of the Day: Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team

by on Jul.14, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day

Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team was an unlikely crossover between characters developed by Rare and Technos respectively, brought together under the one roof by TradeWest. Plays more like the former than the latter, but without the ballbusting difficulty associated with other Battletoads efforts.

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