Retro Gaming Australia

All Metal Gear Solid HD Collection games run at 60FPS

by on Jul.30, 2011, under News

I remember being bummed out the first time I loaded up Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, only to find that the silky smooth 60FPS frame rate from MGS2 had to be sacrificed to create the game’s lush environments (I was also in a fever state, though). Of course, the sheer quality of that game quickly solved that dilemma.

It was always Kojima’s intention to have the game running at 60FPS (the early teaser trailers do), and now you’ll finally be able to play it that way when the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection launches later this year.

Both Snake Eater and Peace Walker are getting bumped up to 60FPS. Peace Walker will also be playable in 1080p.

Via Twitter

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