Retro Gaming Australia

Tekken X Street Fighter is still happening

by on Aug.06, 2013, under News

I am a real sucker for crossovers, so it pleases me to hear that Tekken X Street Fighter is still in production.

Street Fighter X Tekken and Tekken X Street Fighter were announced together at Comic Con in 2010. The former has been released, but the latter, a crossover based on the Tekken style of gameplay and presentation has fallen off the radar.

Speaking with Siliconera, Namco’s Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada confirmed that the game is indeed happening, but is under radio silence. The reason? They needed to give Street Fighter X Tekken room to breathe, since the game still had new content being released until recently, and had built a solid following.

We’ll hear more about Tekken X Street Fighter in the future.

Source: Siliconera

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