Retro Gaming Theatre: X-Men (Mega Drive)
by Matt Keller on Jun.08, 2013, under Retro Gaming Theatre
It’s the long awaited return of Retro Gaming Theatre!
This edition, we’ve got X-Men for the Mega Drive. The game was released around the peak of the X-Men animated series’ popularity, hence why those character designs are used instead of those featured in the comics. Perhaps the most memorable part of the game comes in the fifth level, when Xavier tells you to “reset the machine”. It took me a good week or so as a kid to figure out that you had to reset the Mega Drive. It’s a neat touch!
This video features a run through the first part of the Savage Land at the start of the game. I’m a bit rusty, but I don’t think I did too badly!
It’s been fricking ages since we’ve done a Retro Gaming Theatre post – mostly slackness on our part. I thought in an effort to speed things up we’d try a test run using an emulator to capture the video. Suffice to say I am not pleased with the results, even though the process was a little less painful than using our capture setup.
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