Retro Gaming Australia

The people behind GCW-Zero want your money to buy the Atari brand

by on Mar.10, 2013, under News

The GCW-Zero was a recently successful Kickstarter project that aimed to deliver (yet another) a retro gaming centric handheld. Now the folks behind it want some more crowdfunding bucks to help them in their next goal – buying the Atari brand.

How much do they think they need? $US250,000.

The assets of Atari are going up for auction, and there is no guarantee that the effort by GCW-Zero to acquire the rights will be successful even if they meet the basic goal of their fundraising drive. They state in the drive that if they are unsuccessful in getting the Atari rights, they’ll use the money to license games from the likes of Capcom and Sega.

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1 comment for this entry:
  1. Retro Gaming Australia

    This is doomed to fail. The amount of money they want is too low – the brand itself is worth way more than $250k. The rewards tiers kick in too late ($30 for the lowest tier). Also the Atari name is poison and kills any company that buys it.

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