Retro Gaming Australia

Retro Reading #7

by on Feb.27, 2010, under Retro Reading

Very little new Retro Reading this week, unfortunately. I decided to spend a little time with Super Empire Strikes Back last night and this morning – don’t understand the love it got from the local press at the time though; it’s kind of crap.

Jet Sprint MX (Xbox), James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing Beta (PS2/Xbox/GCN), Wizard of Funk (PS2), Mumu Boukenki Amusing Dream (SFC), Final Fantasy XIII (PS2), Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes 2 (PS2), Little Dream (DC), Resident Evil 0 Beta (GCN) at Unseen64

The ever reliable Unseen64 crew had another packed week of updates. Nothing particularly noteworthy, as that FFXIII PS2 leak happened weeks ago, but still worth a read.

SoulStar X for 32X dumped at SegaSaturno (in Portugese)

Sega Saturno is one of those sites dedicated to tracking down and preserving prototypes, particularly of cancelled games. Their latest acquisition was SoulStar X, a planned sequel to the Mega CD game SoulStar. The sequel was planned for the 32X and the Jaguar CD add-on, so as you’d imagine, the failure of those two systems resulted in the game’s cancellation.

This week’s Virtual Console release: Nothing again!

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