Retro Gaming Australia

Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph is packed with video game villain cameos

by on May.01, 2012, under News

Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph follows the exploits of a video game villain (voiced by John C. Reilly) who wants to change his ways and become a hero.

The film is intended to be a spoof of video games, but will feature a number of cameos from existing characters, which Entertainment Weekly compares to cameos featured in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

One particular scene will feature Ralph in a video game villain support group, which will feature foes such as Street Fighter‘s Zangief and M. Bison, Coily the Snake from Q*Bert, Bowser from Super Mario Bros., Clyde from Pac-Man, Dr. Robotnik from Sonic the Hedgehog and the Resident Evil zombies.

Wreck-It-Ralph is due in theatres in November in North America, but won’t be on Australian screens until Boxing Day.

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