Retro Gaming Australia

Tag: Sony Computer Entertainment

Video Game Ad of the Day: Ape Escape

by on Jan.13, 2012, under Video Game Ad of the Day

Great series, apart from the British kids show accents.

Ape Escape was the flagship title for Sony’s PlayStation Analogue Pad, which was later replaced by the Dual Shock, which was essentially the same thing (the tops of the analogue sticks are different, for one) with a rumble motor built in. The game is arguably one of the best on the PlayStation, and the two sequels (the ones released outside of Japan, that is) are even better.

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Video Game Ad of the Day: ESPN Extreme Games

by on Aug.19, 2011, under Video Game Ad of the Day

One of the better early PlayStation games.

ESPN Extreme Games is a racing game based off the then new ESPN X-Games competition, which debuted in 1995. The game predated the whole trick/combo based extreme sports style gameplay best implemented by Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater – it actually shares a lot in common with Road Rash. It was later re-released as 1Xtreme after the ESPN license expired.

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