Retro Gaming Australia

Improved Intellivision Donkey Kong on the way

by on Jul.28, 2011, under News

The Intellivision version of Donkey Kong has widely held to be crap for over 25 years. Some even go so far as to believe that Coleco purposely sabotaged the Intellivision version so that people would purchase the Colecovision and it’s version of Donkey Kong instead. Well Intellivision fans, later this year, you’ll have an opportunity to purchase a greatly improved version of Donkey Kong for your beloved system, courtesy of Carl Mueller Jr.

You can see a comparison between the two versions in the video above.

Advanced orders for the game will ship at the end of August. Alternatively, it’ll be available for general purchase after November 2011. You can order the game here.

Via GameSetWatch

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