Retro Gaming Australia

Kaeru no Tame wa Naru (For Frog the Bell Tolls) finally translated!

by on Jul.13, 2011, under News

Ever heard of a game called Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru? Perhaps under its translated name For Frog the Bell Tolls? No? Well there’s a reason for that. Before Nintendo were being jerks and not bringing over games you wanted to play on the Wii, they were busy developing Game Boy games they had no intention of releasing outside of Japan.

For Frog the Bell Tolls is an action-adventure game based on the same tech as The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. Unfortunately, the game was never released outside of Japan, but that’s no longer a concern as ryanbgstl has completed his translation patch for the game, making it fully playable in English.

Of course, to actually play the game in English, you’re going to either need to play the game ROM on an emulator, use a flash cart, or hack up an original cart, all of which are technically not legal.

While not exactly a well known Nintendo title, characters from the game appear in Link’s Awakening and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. A DX version of the game for the Game Boy Color was in development, but never released.

Source: GameSetWatch

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